Sunday, November 4, 2007

So long, farewell...

Auf wiedersehen, Adieu, Au'voir and sadly...good bye.
Writing about noteworthy fragrances had been a dream of mine that I first envisioned this past Winter after reading so many great and creative blogs proclaiming marvelous and not so marvelous things about fragrances. From the major design houses to the small cottage in England creating a work of love...I've been impressed with this: Those who create beauty ~ are beautiful.

The knowledge I've gained will stay with me the rest of my life. Tihota by Indult became my perfume holy grail and I made so many incredible friends along this journey, both in the US and abroad. I've thoroughly enjoyed sharing links with many other blog owners as well as sharing samples across the miles. I'll always remember Andy Tauer's "Bottle on a journey" as a highlight of this experience. I wish each of you continued success and would love to keep in touch from time to time. I'm richer and wiser and more fragrant for having known each of you!

I leave the world of sampling and writing fragrance reviews to become my husband's copy editor for an upcoming book. He is hoping to have a contract with Zondervan Publishing House early next year. He has been waiting for this opportunity to be a published author for years and finally the time seems perfect. It's his dream come true! I can do no less than to offer this incredible husband of 38 years my undivided attention with editing and help him meet those manuscript deadlines.

I wish for each of you the very best and abundance in all you do.

Your friend forever,

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” Ralph Waldo Emerson